
for children aged 5 - 11

Choosing books

Lovereading4kids has been created to be the ultimate children’s online independent bookstore


Richard and Judy  recommend books for boys and girls and for all age groups:



Choosing secondary schools

List of secondary schools


Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is often misunderstood. For help, please see: www.meassociation.org.uk

The British Dyslexia Association has a wealth of information on their website


If you are unhappy with your school’s attitude towards your child with ME/CFS, please see www.spccf.co.uk

School admissions


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Special educational needs

Writing with left hand

The reluctant reader

Choosing books

Non-verbal reasoning


Verbal reasoning







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A parent’s guide to private tuition

Accordingly to the Telegraph, it is estimated that half of all children in London have received some form of private tuition after school.

Many parents are not sure what qualification the tutor needs to have but often opt for qualified teachers as they have experience, knowledge and skills in teaching.

I also opted for a qualified teacher when looking for someone to tutor my son as I thought this would give him a better chance to get a place at a greatly over-subscribed secondary school in Mill Hill. I  soon became uneasy about the teaching as I thought the teaching was too slow.

I had a daughter at Hab’s and knew what a competitive school expected of their pupils and decided to tutor my son myself. It was a risk that paid off as he was the only pupil from  his primary school to pass the entrance exam to MHCHS although the majority of his peers had lessons with qualified teachers.

It is important to know what the pupil is capable of learning and what strategies need to be put in place to help the pupil reach his or her’s potential. Pupils are often put in categories of those who ‘can do’ and those who ‘cannot do’. I believe that many ‘cannot do’ pupils are perfectly capable of completing the same task as the ‘can do’ pupils as long as the instructions in how to complete the task is explained in a manner that suits them.

The research shows that a staggering 65% of the population are visual learners, 30% are auditory learners and 5% are kinaesthetic learners.

Children of all abilities should have the chance to reach their potential

       Very bright children can sometimes be forgotten in a classroom  where the teacher has to teach to a set curriculum

       Some children who find certain subjects difficult can often excel beyond expectations with individualised help. This will lead to confidence and self-belief in their own ability to learn

       Children who have fallen behind will enjoy working, when their work is set at a level appropriate to their individual needs and help is available on a one-to-one basis …

Educational games help children learn

       Educational games not only give the children added skills in their chosen subjects e.g. maths, comprehension or  spelling but also a variety of other skills such as dexterity

       Whatever level played, children must use their imagination, they have to improve/develop their perception, judgement and reasoning as they  need to use strategies, plan their next move, make decisions and use logic to win the game

       Even young children can benefit by playing computer games as it teaches them the basic skills such as using a mouse, how to navigate around the screen, dragging,clicking and double clicking


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